About The Human Future & Open Health Tools

The Institute on Biotechnology and the Human Future, also known simply as The Human Future, is a research institute dedicated to exploring the possibilities presented by advances in biotechnology. The institute conducts independent research into the latest advances in biotechnology, pharmaceuticals and biohacking, and raises important questions about how these advances can be used to advance human health and performance.

The Institute on Biotechnology and the Human Future is now working with the team from Open Health Tools. Together, the new team will produce in-depth supplement reviews, biotechnology analysis, and biohacking research. By working together the new, expanded Open Health Tools team will be able to offer readers a much wider range of supplement reviews, covering probiotics, prebiotics, and multivitamins as well as joint supplements, nootropics and MCT oils.

Above are the pages brough over from The Human Future to Open Health Tools. Going forward, researchers from The Human Future who previously would have published on thehumanfuture.org will publish on OpenHealthTools.org. Any news or content related solely to The Institute on Biotechnology and the Human Future will be published here so as not to cause confusion.